Practical Music Theory for Ukulele Players II Registration Form

Please fill out this form to register for the workshop series Practical Music Theory for Ukulele Players II. 

You can pay via PayPal by selecting one or more buttons at the bottom of the form. Note that a small amount will be added to cover PayPal fees.

If you prefer to pay by e-transfer (Canada only), please send the transfer to eve AT evegoldberg DOT com and indicate which workshops you are paying for.


  • Wed Feb 21: Chords - Beyond Major and Minor
  • Tue Mar 26: Circle of Fifths - Deepening Your Understanding
  • Mon Apr 15: Intro to Minor Keys and Scales
  • Thu May 9: Learning Songs By Ear

All workshops run from 7:30  - 9 pm ET on Zoom
$150 for all 4 workshops OR $40 per workshop

Questions? Contact us!